Alliance Ginneries Limited

A family owned business proud to be handing over it's third generation

Alliance Ginneries Limited is a private company specializing in cotton Ginning. We have three main operations located in Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. We are a family owned business and are proud to be handing over to the third generation.

We pride ourselves in maintaining a strict code of conduct when doing any business. At Alliance Ginneries we are conscious of our reputation among our clients and strive to always live up to our financial engagements in order to maintain our integrity. We are mindful of our environmental and civic duties; hence we strive to operate using a sustainable model.

More about Alliance Ginneries

We worked with COMPAQI in all three of our locations in order to improve the lives of our farmers and to uplift them from poverty. We aim not only to work together with the farmers to get access to cotton and other food crops but also to aid them in following sustainable practices.


Through training programmes we have shown farmers how to improve yields, hence get a higher income per hectare. The COMPAQI scheme was jointly funded between COMPAQI donors (DEG, GIZ and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) and Alliance Ginneries and we feel that the entire programme has been immensely successful. We were extremely proud to have been awarded best-managed scheme from all the COMPAQI partners across the African continent.

We are also partnered with Cotton Made in Africa, which is an initiative spearheaded by the aid by trade foundation. Together we aim to help people using trade.

Contact Info

Villa 49 Millennium Village Long Acres,
+260 211 250 999

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